Alex the Keatisi Character in Theras | World Anvil

Alex the Keatisi

Alex the Keatisi, is a trader and a merchant who had a vision of becoming the main trading post in the Hirch Thani.   Alex was once a soldier in the The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis army. He had has share of battle versus Morag'gul Orcs. Due to his wife illness, he migrated to Hirch Thani in order to find his wife a better climate.   He has 4 sons and 3 daughters, only 2 of them are in Araso-Lond.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex was very much friendly to the Six of the Hill adventuring party, aiding them in their quest to get rid of the The Stag Lord, at the risk of his own family.   During Coppernium 1,051 AB, after his trading post had become the main base of operations for the Morning Star (who had earned their name by then by saving Murkburrow) and their small hosts of 'slaves' and other allies they had managed to gather, it was destroyed by the vengeful The Stag Lord, with his merceneries and henchmen, killing all in their bloodlust.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1007 AB 44 Years old
Ruled Locations

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