Arbutarzintabar Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Arbutarzintabar, alsk known as the Arbiters of Khazad-Ram is the judiciary body of Khazad-Ram. Each Great Clan of Khazad-Ram has a high justice system, all under the same law of Khazad-Ram with minor modifications and adjustments for each clan and their custom.   The Artibers are sometimes called the "Two Hammers Systems", for they are using the gavel to deliver the sentence, and they are using the mallets with the chisel to carve the laws into the stone.   The Judges, or Arbutars, sometimes venture deep into forgotten dwarven lands in order to recover relics and knowledge of the past. The Arbutars are regarded highly and even are recognized in most law abiding religions and countries.   All Minor Arbutarzintabar, are subject to overruling by higher Arbutarzintabar, until the highest one, usually headed by the Borlarmjuvar, gives it edict on the subject if the great clans are interested.


The Arbutarzintabar is regarded as the word of the king himself, as he is considered the high judge in matters of treason. However, it should be noted that this is only a honory title and usually, in the matters of state, the king is one of 13 Judges, that include: The Borlarmjuvar and one of each Great Clans. Usually the king is absent from such matters unless they are matters of great importance.   However, sometimes, the Borlamjuvar is considered impartial and therefore unable, so many times, the Zana betag is called again in order to intervene on behalf of the king.

Public Agenda

Each great courthouse has the laws both in paper and sculpted in stone. Even the remanding of various laws, are transcibed into stone, and if necessary, they use rune craft or divine spells to shape the stone in order to accomadate the new laws, without harming the old laws.   Stone that have chiseld into them laws that are regarded as unjust, are broken in two in a special ceremony - however, the stones are kept carefully as reminder to the past.
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