Shah Character in Theras | World Anvil


Shah was the Arqmatian deity of strategy.   Shah is the deity that acts with a composed and rational demeanor, Shah exhibit considerable compassion, yet she doesn't hesitate to send her followers to their demise if it serves the greater purpose of a scheme. Her voice seldom rises, and she is known to appreciate humor, often emitting a hearty laugh. She disapproves of fickle conduct and views with disdain those who frequently change allegiances or exhibit whimsical behavior.   As being a deity of Strategy, her clergy was somewhat considered to be elitist and she was also a patron of the Nobles.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The church of the Shah, is an offshoot of a monastic order within the hierarchy of the church of Kord that concentrates on planning and strategy and has only emerged from the shadow of the temple of Kord since The Gods War.  
Clerics of the Shah pray for their spells at night before going to sleep, preparing for the day to come.

Tenets of Faith

In the realm of warfare, victory is not solely determined by sheer force but by the meticulous orchestration of planning, strategy, and tactical prowess, irrespective of the initial odds stacked against one. It is a realm where even the slightest misstep can transform imminent triumph into bitter defeat, emphasizing the indispensable role of skilled leadership in navigating the tumultuous tides of battle. Lasting success, the hallmark of a true conqueror, lies not merely in fleeting victories but in the enduring legacy forged by a master strategist who can unravel the complexities of war with unwavering precision. Each battle is but a piece in the larger mosaic of conflict, where defeat in one skirmish does not herald the demise of the overarching campaign. It is a landscape where astuteness reigns supreme—where understanding the weaknesses of one's adversaries and acknowledging one's own vulnerabilities become the keys to unlocking the gates of triumph. Amidst the ebb and flow of war, readiness becomes the cornerstone of resilience, urging one to prepare for peace in times of strife and to fortify oneself for conflict during periods of tranquility. The path to victory often winds through unexpected alliances, where adversaries of one's enemies become comrades in arms, and negotiation and compromise emerge as potent tools in the arsenal of diplomacy. Life, as it unfolds amidst the chaos of battle and the tranquility of peace, resembles a perpetual dance of skirmishes, occasionally punctuated by the thunderous drums of war. Amidst this ever-shifting landscape, the wise warrior remains steadfast, armed not only with weapons but also with contingency plans, ready to navigate the unpredictable currents of fortune with unwavering resolve.


In addition to observing the holy days and important ceremonies of the church of Kord, the clergy of the Shah honor two important holy days.
The Retreat
The Retreat is an annual even held every Midwinter’s Day. The clergy gathers for a day-long reflection on the previous year's military endeavors. Strategies are dissected, battles scrutinized, and the amassed wisdom becomes integral to the church's teachings.  
The Queen's Gambit
On the inaugural day of Dacius, the vibrant festival known as The Queen's Gambit takes center stage. During this jubilant occasion, the clergy indulges in a day of revelry and friendly competition. Throughout the day, chess tournaments, also dubbed Lanceboard, entertain participants, with champions earning accolades, prestigious titles, promotions, and occasionally, prized possessions from the temple's armory.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shah ascended to divine stature as a natural counterweight to Muvir, her sworn adversary. Devoted to her patron, Kord, whom she reveres as a paternal figure, Shah actively works to undermine both Muvir and Khaziba. She maintains a close alliance with She'eros, sharing a similar disposition, and views Bailshar the Mighty as her staunchest ally in naval warfare, despite his occasional unreliability. Shah guards her true name with utmost secrecy, divulging it only to the Lord of Battles himself. She understands that any entity, mortal or divine, who gains control over her would acquire access to the intricate plots and strategies of rulers across Theras and deities across the planes.   Shah's existence was ruthlessly extinguished in a cruel twist of fate orchestrated by Hacate.   Among the learned, a theory circulates that She'eros may have contemplated the resurrection of his dear companion, possibly even a romantic partner, back into the realm of the living. Some speculate that She'eros perceives the presence of the Warforged as both a poignant reminder of his friend's demise and a testament to his duty to uphold righteousness in the world, despite the internal conflict it inevitably instills within him.
Lady of Strategy;
Queen of the Lanceboard;
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Strategy, Planning, Tactics
Nobility, Protection, War
Half black, Half White Knight chess piece with owl eyes
Generals, tacticians, paladins, Nobles, warriors, gamesters, monks, strategists
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Checkmate" (Longsword)
Holy Days


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