Brotherhood of Dora-Nil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Brotherhood of Dora-Nil

The Brotherhood of Dora-Nil, Once a house of Octoland, became a kingdom of its own, having a large underterrainial kingdom that stretch to their Citadel of Barad-Hin, there having a large trade coming in while being secluded in their mountains. Contrary to what you may believe, they are not descendants of Khazad-Ram, but due to their close kinship, they banded together.   The Brotherhood of Dora-Nil has a bear and hammer for its sigil.


The Reclamation of the Underdark
The Dwarves of Dora-Nil have a long history beneath the surface of   The Dwarves had a long history of rebellion as they had a king of their own during the "Dreadful King" Rebellion, but they were consumed by hunger and famine, until the dwarves surrendered and became again a thane in service to the King of Octoland. The Dwarves, having learned from their mistakes, had many underground routes that would save them if the need comes again, which it happened during the The Kadian Invasion of Rakion by the Kadian Dominion who couldn't fend them off.
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