Erevan Ilesere Character in Theras | World Anvil

Erevan Ilesere (AIR-eh-van ILL-eh-seer)

Erevan Ilesere is the embodiment of elven mischief. Unpredictable and ever-shifting, he can change his form on a whim. A lover of fun, he fidgets and flits from task to task, rarely focusing for long. Though his pranks often cause trouble, they're seldom truly harmful or deadly. However, when sylvan creatures or vulnerable elves face danger, Erevan becomes a fierce protector, a champion of the underdog and downtrodden.   Since The Gods War, Erevan became the champion of the downtrodden, a bringer of merriment and hope. He is often called as a thorn in the side of the opressors and he is mostly known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Forget stuffy temples and rigid rituals. Erevan's followers embrace a delightfully chaotic approach to worship. There's no hierarchy to speak of – repetition is anathema to the Elven Trickster, and coordinating a group effort? Forget about it!

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The clerics are a whirlwind of mischief, independent and unpredictable. Their pranks aren't malicious – they simply revel in the joy of a well-executed trick, a delightful jab at authority. Settled, predictable lives? Not for them! They relish disrupting the status quo, be it the rule of law, a powerful figure, or even the mundane routines of life. They scoff at formal duties, preferring to lead by example. Wannabe tricksters can expect lessons in the nimble skills of a mischievous rogue, honed through Erevan's playful dogma.   Interestingly, the faithful don't seek to turn the undead, but rather leverage their cunning to convince them to join the fun – a far more fitting tribute to Erevan's playful nature.  
Eldar Culture
Within Eldar Culture, the clergy truly considered more like Eladrins and it is not surpising that many of the messangers and worshippers of Erevan are Celestial Eladrin. The Eldar Worshgipers are usually rogues, bards, Illusionists, pranksters, those who love clever challenge. However, unlike many of the faiths, the Eldar Culture is working quite knittly together with the non-Eldar Culture.  
Be’quessirari Culture
As mentioned above, the two cultures are working closely; The Non-Eldar culture are usually rebels, those who seek to get rid of oppressors and give relief to the downtrodden.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Clerics often form temporary bands, roaming the land to right wrongs and spread Erevan's message. These bands are known for their elaborate pranks, dazzling illusions, and lively performances.  


Erevan's clergy operates with a loose hierarchy, mirroring his own unpredictable nature. Experienced pranksters might mentor younger ones, but true respect is earned through wit and daring.  


Deep within forests or nestled amongst bustling marketplaces, hidden groves serve as Erevan's sanctuaries. These offer safe havens for his followers, places to share stories, plan pranks, and celebrate with laughter - those are used not often twice, however, they are still save havens for the oppressed.  


Clerics of Erevan pray for their spells at midnight, when darkness covers their mischief.  
Impromptu Pranks
The core practice lies in spontaneous acts of trickery. Stealing a pompous noble's hat, replacing a guard's orders with a playful riddle, or leading authorities on a wild goose chase are all ways to honor Erevan.  
Festivals of Mischief
Minor celebrations are held under the light of full Luna. These involve elaborate pranks, theatrical performances, and contests of wit and illusion.  
Games of Deception
A more formalized ritual involves a game of elaborate illusions and riddles. Participants test their wit and trickery skills, with the victor earning bragging rights and possibly a magical trinket blessed by Erevan.

Tenets of Faith

Let your wit be your shield and your mind a labyrinth for the arrogant. True strength lies not in muscle, but in the nimble dance of cleverness.   Extend a hand to those struggling under the weight of injustice. Be a protector of the vulnerable, a champion who fights for the underdog with a playful spirit.   Challenge tyranny with a smile. Disrupt the schemes of the powerful with playful pranks and illusions, exposing their hypocrisy in the light of laughter.   Hoarding is a thief, stealing joy from the world. Redistribute the ill-gotten gains of the greedy, ensuring a melody of fairness resonates throughout society.   Life is fleeting, so don't be burdened by shadows. Find joy in simple pleasures, embrace the fleeting beauty of the world, and celebrate the very impermanence of existence.   Don't be a harp strumming the same old tune of obedience. Use your wit to find the flaws in rigid systems, challenge authority that oversteps its bounds, and inspire a new symphony of justice.   Your actions should be as swift and silent as a moonlit breeze. Leave your victims bewildered, a touch of frustration lingering like a half-remembered melody. Laughter, not harm, should be your mark.   Embrace adventure, a daring walk along the edge of the unknown. Take risks, for they are the bridges to new experiences, and find humor in the unexpected twists of fate.   When faced with cruelty, meet it not with a raised fist, but with a playful jibe. Let your mockery be a melody that exposes the foolishness of your enemies.  
— Dogma of Erevan


Escapade of Gleams
Every month, beneath the glow of a full Sehanine, Erevan's faithful gather for a vibrant celebration known as the Escapade of Gleams. The exact location of this merrymaking is a closely guarded secret, whispered amongst initiates in the days leading up to the event. But fear not, for those with a knack for clever deduction are always welcome to join the festivities.   The Escapade is a symphony of mischief. Expect playful sprites joining the revelry alongside Erevan's faithful. Exquisite objects, "borrowed" with a wink, adorn the sylvan glade for a night of lively dancing, merriment, and storytelling. Wine flows freely as laughter echoes through the trees. Pranks, both elaborate and playful, are a staple of the Escapade, a testament to Erevan's spirit.

Personality Characteristics


Erevan champions the wood elves, the forest folk who often face hardship at the hands of encroaching human settlements or greedy nobles. He uses his guile and swiftness to protect their lands and ensure their survival.   He is also taking great joy in stealing from the greedy, the wealthy elite, who exploit the poor and hoard resources are Erevan's favorite targets. He masterminds elaborate pranks and heists, redistributing ill-gotten gains amongst the impoverished communities suffering under the burden of greed.   Even in the darkest of times, Erevan encourages revelry and lightheartedness. He inspires hidden festivals, impromptu music sessions, and moments of joy to lift the spirits of the downtrodden and remind them of life's simple pleasures.   Erevan's exploits become legendary, whispered tales of defiance against tyranny. He embodies the idea that even the seemingly powerless can challenge the mighty, offering a beacon of hope to those yearning for a better life.   Erevan's pranks, though mischievous, are often laced with valuable lessons. They might expose the corruption of a noble, reveal the vulnerabilities of a heavily guarded fortress, or highlight the importance of resourcefulness and community in overcoming hardship.


Contacts & Relations

Despite his mischievous ways, Erevan remains fiercely loyal to The Seldarine. He even joins forces with other playful deities like Brandobaris, Garl Glittergold, and Avandra, forming a band of merry tricksters who occasionally irk more serious gods like Heimdall.   Erevan's closest companion is Hlal. Together, they are inseparable, their legendary adventures inspiring countless young elves with dreams of daring exploits.   Erevan finds camaraderie in deities who share his lighthearted spirit, such as Baravar Cloakshadow, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Adis.   He is a rival of Baisha, and Masech. He despises cruelty and greed, making him an opponent of the Dark Seldarine (except for the benevolent Eilistraee) and sometimes Astilabor. His pranks have even earned the ire of humorless deities like Bane and Ella'li.
The Trickster;
The Chamaleon;
The Green Hood;
The Unruly Reveler;
The Fey Jester;
The Jack of the Seelie Court;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Mischief, change, rogues, Rebellion, Charity, Heroics, Outlaws
Chaos (Azata, Revelry, Riot, Whimsy), Elf, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship ,Redemption), Luck (Gambling, Imagination), Trickery (Ambush, Deception, Espionage, Thievery)
Starburst with asymmetrical rays
Eldar and non-Eldar rogues, bards, revelers, sorcerers, tricksters, Heroes, Outlaws
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Quickstrike (Short sword)
Holy Days
Escapade of Gleams


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