Demesene of A'shiraf'sir Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesene of A'shiraf'sir

The Demesne of A'shiraf'sir is the northernmost country in Epeoris, located to the east. It is inhabited mainly by Drow, and is constantly covered by volcanic ash. It is the sole elven nation in Epeoris since the last demesne was destroyed in 344 BB.     The demense is an amalgamation of the four greater clans, Olathin rules the north, Fygy rules the east, Ka'jeshrules the south, and Zennov rules the west. The four main clans all sit in the overseeing body, The Zaketria.
Founding Date
~8,000 BB
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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