Onva Character in Theras | World Anvil


Onva, a goddess of unparalleled beauty, is often compared to Helena for her radiant allure and she is the goddess of Hedonism, sensual fulfillment and Alcohol.. She is described as possessing a voice akin to a soothing purr, her words are said to caress the listener like the softest of fabrics. However, Onva remains elusive, her true essence veiled behind a facade of capriciousness and independence, reminiscent of the playful yet aloof nature of felines. Portrayed in various cultures, she embodies sensuality, often depicted as a human female with the head of a cat. Known for her penchant for indulgence, Onva delights in charming mortals with her flirtatious demeanor, yet swiftly moves on once her interest wanes. Despite her allure, she harbors an aversion to snakes.   Onva is considered the main patron of Tabaxi.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Revered by both male and female professional escorts, as well as the opulent elite and pleasure-seekers, Onva's faith remains in its infancy, marked by ceremonies resembling prolonged feasts rather than spiritual teachings.   The organization of Onva's church is informal, fostering camaraderie among its members who often work and socialize together. Alignment constraints for her clergy are lax, with a gradual drift towards evil sometimes tolerated. However, those who persist in malevolent behavior may find themselves covertly urged by Nyx's agents to redirect their allegiance, a shift that Onva seems powerless to prevent.   Many of Onva's priests and priestesses oversee pleasure establishments in bustling urban centers or serve affluent rulers directly. These venues offer a myriad of sensory delights, from sumptuous banquets to indulgent baths and exotic experiences. Some mid-level Onvains are employed by upscale taverns, while others, sanctioned by Onva, wander the countryside in search of new sensations to delight in.  
Priestly Vestments
All clergy of Onva cultivate long, meticulously styled hair to accentuate their allure, complemented by varied attire tailored to individual taste, gender, local climate, and fashion trends. In Sova Daris, courtesans favor provocative evening wear, while Arqmati's harem women adorn themselves in diaphanous attire adorned with gold dust, gemstone beads, and coins. Male clergy opt for form-fitting breeches and open shirts, often accentuated with decorative belts and vests. Onva's holy symbol, feminine lips carved from dark amber or ruby, is typically worn on a golden chain around the wrist or ankle.   In The Sultans of Buqmat, the remaining clergy of Onva don tight-fitting kalasiris and ornate pectoral collars, accentuating their allure with suggestive attire. Bast's holy symbol, a cat's head adorned with golden hoop earrings, is revered.   During adventures, Onva's clergy prioritize preserving the goddess's blessings by wearing the finest armor available, often adorned with provocative embellishments. They believe that life devoid of pleasure is meaningless, thus ensuring their armor reflects their devotion to indulgence.  
The clergy of Onva are collectively known as Onvians. Both male and female humans can be found in their ranks, but charismatic and physically beautiful female humans comprise the great majority of them.  
Onva's temples, though few, are predominantly situated in major cities, while smaller shrines honoring the goddess of pleasure adorn nearly every festhall across Theras. These temples mirror opulent festhalls, boasting elegant pillars, octagonal domes, halls resembling lush forest clearings, secluded alcoves, mineral spring baths, grand banquet rooms, and fragrant massage parlors. They are safeguarded by dedicated warriors and occasionally exotic sentient creatures sworn to ensure the safety of all revelers who celebrate in Onva's name.  
Clerics devoted to Onva offer their prayers at dusk, when the allure of the night first emerges. The Onva's church hosts a plethora of festivals, unmatched by any other faith in Theras, collectively known as the "Endless Revel of Life." These celebrations occur in honor of various natural events such as the daily sunrise and sunset, the changing seasons, the emergence of a full moon, or virtually any other significant occurrence. The festivities, often extravagant and wild, welcome all members of the community. Each festival boasts unique titles, with new ones continually emerging as older ones fade into obscurity. However, Midsummer's Eve stands out as the pinnacle of jubilation among Onva's followers, marked by the pursuit of unbridled pleasure in its most extreme forms.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace life to its utmost, indulging in decadent sensual pleasures for yourself and others. What brings pleasure is inherently good, and goodness is found in pleasure. Seek pleasure at every turn, embracing life as an eternal celebration. Share Onva's abundance so all may partake in life's endless revelry and alleviate the suffering of others. Endless possibilities await those who dare to explore, so embrace novelty while cherishing tradition.


Midsummer's Eve stands as a pinnacle of celebration for Onva's devoted, a time when they engage in the most extravagant indulgences of limitless delight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Onva, originally a deity revered in the regions of the Arqmati Pantheon and known as the patroness of cats, embarked on a journey across Theras, establishing numerous cults under her name. Along her travels, she delved into the darker aspects of pleasure, falling under the influence of Nyx. Had it not been for Helena's intervention during The Gods War, Onva might have succumbed entirely to the Dark Goddess. Since her liberation, Onva has rekindled her bonds with Hanali Celanil, Nevel, Adis, Safwah, Lune, and Helena, now dedicating herself to thwarting the malevolence of Zehir, Nyx, and Ella'li. Nyx, however, has not forgotten Onva's escape from her grasp.

Personality Characteristics


Onva is an innate flirt and loved toying around with beautiful mortals; once she has her fill, she swiftly moves on to other sources of pleasure.


Contacts & Relations

Onva she is an ally of Lune, Helena, Adis, Hanali Celanil, and Nevel, and she opposes both Ella'li and Nyx, the latter of which never forgot that Onva escaped from her clutches.   Onva is also rumored to have a romantic relationship with Safwah.
Purrer of Pleasure;
The Sensuous Seductress;
Feline of Felicity;
Matron of Felines;
The Enchantress of Dance;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Alcohol, Cats, festhalls, hedonism, sensual fulfillment, Tabaxi, Courtesans
Animal (Fur), Chaos (Entropy, Revelry), Charm, Good (Azata, Redemption), Plant (Agriculture), Travel (Exploration), Trickery (Ambush, Deception, Espionage, Innuendo)
Feminine lips
Bards, hedonists, sensualists
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A great cat's paw (claw bracer)
Holy Days
Midsummer Eve


Onva is served by no military or knightly orders. Most professional escorts in major cities join formal or informal guilds led by her clergy, however. Onva is served by a secretive sisterhood of female werecats known as the Eyes of Evening who also pay tribute to Lune. The aims and goals of this mysterious fellowship are unknown, although they are rumored to hunt cultists of Nyx and Ella'li during nights of the full moon.


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