Hanali Celanil Character in Theras | World Anvil

Hanali Celanil (hæn-na-lee SEL-a-nil)

Hanali Celanil is the goddess of love and beauty within elven lore and The Seldarine.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Hanali, a miniature golden rose or a stylized golden heart, is often worn prominently as a brooch or necklace.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Hearts of Gold dedicate themselves to fostering love and beauty in the world. Many tend exquisite gardens, while others curate collections of art, both personal and for their temples. These collections might include dazzling gemstones, intricate crystal sculptures, and any other form of artistic expression that speaks to their souls. Jewelry and statues crafted from precious metals and crystals are particularly favored, though all forms of beautiful art are admired and displayed.   Hanali's clergy takes pride in their appearance. Dressing in fine attire is a way of honoring both the beauty they seek in the world and the inner beauty they strive to cultivate. For a Heart of Gold, presenting oneself with elegance is an act of devotion to their goddess.  
Priestly Vestments
For the Hearts of Gold, elegance is a form of devotion. They take great pride in their appearance, believing it reflects inner beauty as well as the beauty they strive to cultivate in the world. Their attire is exquisite - flowing garments in rich fabrics, often adorned with gold embroidery or shimmering accents. Long, unbound hair is a common sight, and both men and women adorn themselves with jewelry. Gold rings, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets glint on their wrists and ankles, while earrings frame their faces.   Like moths to a flame, Hearts of Gold are irresistibly drawn to quests fueled by love and beauty. This adventurous spirit sets them apart from some clergy. However, they navigate a delicate balance between aesthetics and practicality. While they favor weapons and armor that are elegant and enhance their elven grace, functionality remains paramount. They often opt for elven-crafted chainmail, lightweight shields, and weapons that allow for a graceful fighting style, minimizing the risk of close combat or disfiguring an enemy.  
Unlike some regimented religious structures, Hanali's clergy embraces a more fluid and personal path. Newcomers are welcomed with open arms and are known as Blooms. As they deepen their understanding and commitment, they progress through the ranks.  
  • Blooms: These are the novices, newly awakened to the beauty and love embodied by Hanali.
  • Whisper of Love: Blooms who demonstrate a genuine connection to the faith progress to this stage.
  • Kindled Heart: These clergy members become more active in spreading love and beauty, their hearts ignited by the goddess's touch.
  • Enchanted Soul: As their devotion deepens, they become known for their captivating charisma and embodiment of Hanali's grace.
  • Boundless Passion: These experienced clergy members are paragons of passionate love and fierce protectors of its expression.
  • Ethereal Embrace: Masters of their emotions and radiating an aura of love, they embody the ideal of everlasting love.
  • Burning Heart: The most revered clergy members, they are living embodiments of Hanali's passionate fire, inspiring others to fight for love and beauty.
Hanali's temples are odes to joy and romance. Bright and airy, they feature cascading fountains and springs that weave through vibrant gardens encircling the central chapel. These gardens are more than mere ornamentation – they're designed with young lovers in mind. Winding paths shaded by verdant boughs, babbling brooks perfect for whispered secrets, quiet pools reflecting the moonlight, and flowering hedgerows create a natural haven for amorous encounters and romantic rendezvous.   The architecture itself reflects Hanali's love for beauty and light. Interior chambers are designed to welcome the warmth of the sun, the cool caress of the moonbeams, and gentle breezes that carry the scent of blooming flowers.   Many temples double as cultural centers, housing exquisite works of art that inspire awe and reflection. These collections serve as museums for the local community, fostering appreciation for beauty in all its forms. Grand concert halls within the temple walls allow for musical performances, their melodies spilling out into the gardens, further enriching the atmosphere of love and joy.  
Clerics of Hanali pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky and romance is in the air.

Tenets of Faith

  • Nature's verdant embrace, the artist's brushstroke, the musician's melody – all are testaments to the divine beauty that infuses the world. Seek it out, for it nourishes the soul. Share its radiance, letting its light illuminate the lives of others.
  • The greatest joy springs forth from the blossoming of love. Embrace romantic connection, tending its flame with devotion. Let your heart be a beacon, attracting and nurturing love in all its forms, wherever it may bloom.
  • Cultivate love in every aspect of your life. From the passionate fire of romance to the abiding warmth of friendship, each bond is a precious bloom. Nurture them all with care, for love's beauty enriches both the giver and the receiver.
  • Offer solace and protection to young lovers. Their innocent passion embodies the purest essence of love, a guiding light on life's path. By safeguarding their budding love, you safeguard the future's joy.
  • Life's greatest purpose lies in the pursuit of beauty and love. Let these guiding principles illuminate your every action. Through acts of kindness, artistic expression, and nurturing love in all its forms, you contribute to a world brimming with vibrancy and fulfillment for all.
— Edicts of the Heart of Gold


Embrace of Sehanine
The grandest celebrations occur monthly under the luminous glow of the full Sehanine. These sacred nights are known as the Embrace of Sehanine, a time for romantically involved couples to experience a heightened sense of affection and reaffirm the strength of their bond. It's said that during the Embrace, the inner beauty of celebrants radiates outward, leaving a rosy flush on their cheeks and a sparkle in their eyes for days to come.   Offerings of exquisite beauty are presented to Lady Goldheart on these nights. Some are swept away to Arvandor, the elven paradise, while others are returned to be shared among all followers of Hanali. The Embrace of the Moon is also a vibrant celebration of artistic expression. Artists often unveil their latest creations, and young lovers frequently choose this time to pledge their troth in secret ceremonies or proclaim their love before the assembled crowd, seeking Hanali's blessing on their union.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While Hanali is older than Helena, it should be noted that Helena was the true and original form of Hanali and it was only after Helena in the Era of Bridges, commited to the Elven people and therefore creating the Aspect of Hanali.

Personality Characteristics


Hanali Celanil embodies the essence of elven grace. A being of timeless beauty and gentle spirit, she readily forgives minor stumbles and delights in showering her followers with unexpected love and affection. Romance, beauty, and joy blossom in her presence.   While not entirely without flaws, Hanali's slight vanity and occasional fickleness are mere wisps compared to her benevolence. Though rarely seen by her devoted followers, she takes immense pleasure in witnessing love flourish among elves. Often, she acts as a secret guardian, protecting young couples as their love takes root.


Contacts & Relations

Like her fellow Seldarine deities, Hanali Celanil answers to Corellon Larethien. She stands firmly against the machinations of the evil drow deities who oppose everything she represents. This includes gods like Bane, Khaziba, and Nyx. Ella'li.   However, Hanali is not alone in her fight for good. She finds allies in other benevolent deities who share her values: Eilistraee, Cyrrollalee, Lurue, Nevel, Sharindlar, Sheela Peryroyl,Helena, Fortuna and Avandra.
The Heart of Gold;
The Elven Heart;
Lady Goldheart;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Love, Romance, Beauty
enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, artists
Chaos (Revelry, Whimsy), Charm, Elf, Good (Agathion, Azata), Magic (Rites), Nobility (Aristocracy, Hubris), Protection
Gold Heart
Aesthetes, artists, enchanters, lovers, sorcerers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A shining heart (dagger) or a whip
Holy Days
Embrace of Sehanine


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