Skamtir Empire Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Skamtir Empire

The Skamtir Empire was the Dragonborn empire in Epeoris, believed to have been the first among the empires of dragonborn.


After a four-millennia-long war with the Elves of Epeoris, the Plague of Dychrynporos was unleashed upon the Skamtir Empire, completely eradicating any and all dragonborn presence in the continent in two years.  

Archeological Evidence

Over time, virtually all evidence of the empire was lost; the few remaining evidence include the Saymaclari Mosaic, the Kadian Armory, the Saymaclari Fossil, the Spire of Argemonte and the Paquecian Scrolls.  
Kadian Armory
Excavated in the Leimar Wetlands south of Lake Kadia in 983 AB, this set of helmets and weapons were buried under a thick layer of peat and were thus preserved in an unusually good condition. One of the helmets (leftmost) seem to have been fitted for a non-draconic humanoid. The armory is kept in the Cathedral Archives.
Saymaclari Fossil
Found circa 590 AB by members of the Andorian Inquisition, this calcified porous ellipsoid was found ███████████ ██████████████████████ and transported to Ammand some years later. Since it is believed to ██████████ and ██████████████, supporting the claim that ████████████████ or even ████████, it is stored and guarded in the Cathedral Archives.
Spire of Argemonte
Found in the Argemonti island of La Tasse, this 50 ft. tall pillar was unearthed in the wake The Second Sun. It is artifical and believed to be crafted by the Skamtir, supposedly as a magical conduit of sorts. The spire is closely guarded, even within the already protected island, and access to it is only given for research purposes.   Some scholars argue that the spire was used as a focus for the spell that supposedly killed Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan in the final act of the Belli Magna. This claim is supported by La Tasse being the known focal point for the Shattering Cataclysm that the Lustijian mages conjured as a last desperate attempt to halt the armies of the First Empire of Ader.
A mosaic uncovered in Saymaclari, one of the scant few archeological evidence for the empire's existence, possibly its symbol.

~20000 BB - 8000 BB

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The First Dragonborn Empire
Related Species
Paquecian Scrolls
Discovered in a mound in the Paquecian Republic, these scrolls detail the arrival of humans on Epeoris from the empire's point of view. Dated to as far back as 17,000 BB, the uncovering of these scrolls shifted the prevalent conception of the empire's founding date from 14,000 BB to circa 20,000 BB.


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