Vaprak Character in Theras | World Anvil


Vaprak is the deity worshipped by ogres and trolls, who embodies greed and destruction. He is characterized by cruelty and viciousness, often resorting to violent outbursts and displays of ferocity.   Vaprak is a infamous for his act of unwarranted destruction, most often known as a monster by most humanoids and is often sometimes confused with Gruumsh and Garyx.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Vaprak commands the allegiance of trolls, ogres, and various chaotic and malevolent outsiders, particularly demons.  
Among Trolls
Among trolls, Vaprak is venerated, though the origins of this reverence remain enigmatic. Some scholars speculate on a distant kinship between ogres and trolls, possibly tracing back to Vaprak himself. While trolls are typically seen as lacking religious depth, a minority demonstrate an understanding of faith and receive divine blessings from Vaprak. These empowered trolls are revered by their peers, who mimic their rituals without grasping their significance. Regardless, Vaprak welcomes their worship and the power it bestows, indifferent to its origins.  
Among Ogres
Among the ogres, especially His ogre magi followers, believed by many to have been granted their magical prowess by Vaprak, remain unwavering in their devotion, with the prevailing notion suggesting that betrayal would result in the forfeiture of these abilities.  
Among Non-Giants
The Sirilisch beserkers and many more bloodthirsty Sirilischs, do indeed find his bloodlust very much to their liking, hunting everyone and sawing destruction everywhere they go. That is the main reason, for which Vaprak is considered the embodiment of destruction, frenzy, and greed within their society, driving his followers to ravage and conquer all in their wake. Those devoted to Vaprak have allocated territories to trolls and ogres across Siril, summoning them for assistance when required.  
Priestly Vestments
The priests of Vaprak don blood-red plate armor and war helms, embodying ferocity and vigilance in their quest for battle. They are compelled to consume voraciously while maintaining physical prowess, often engaging in ritualistic combat with clubs to establish hierarchy within their aggressive society.  
One curious rite practiced among the ogres of one tribe is the "Six Day Night", where ambitious tribesmen demonstrate their loyalty to Vaprak and their tribal leader by being placed in a dark cavern for six days with no food and only a small amount of water. If the initiate survives this ordeal, his status is greatly increased.

Tenets of Faith

There are many dogmas of the faith and non are coherent, some examples are:   Engage in combat, embrace aggression, and surrender to frenzy, for Vaprak's restless nature demands ceaseless activity and fervent dedication.   All should Strive for chaos, revel in destruction, and embrace greed, for in Vaprak's domain, only the relentless and the ruthless shall prevail.   Pursue conflict with unyielding ferocity, letting the fires of chaos and destruction fuel your relentless drive. Embrace the frenzy of battle, for it is in the chaos of combat that Vaprak's favor shines brightest. Seek to amass power and wealth at any cost, for in the eyes of the Destroyer, might makes right.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Vaprak manifests in a humanoid guise, marked by a repulsive blend of mottled brown and green hues, embodying a primal savagery that resonates with ogres and trolls. While he regards the other deities of the giant pantheon with reverence, he harbors a deep-seated fear of abandonment by his kin, driving him to instigate relentless destruction without heed for strategy or foresight, goading his followers to emulate his unrestrained ferocity.  
Other Manifestations
His favor is signaled by the discovery of green and brown stones, notably jade, while displeasure manifests in weapon breakages during battle and the emergence of eerie greenish-brown flames, a sight that often instills terror even among trolls.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vaprak's infamous liaison with Othea, Annam's consort, is a well-known tale within the Giant Pantheon. Motivated by perceived slights from Annam's family and Othea's long-standing grievances, Vaprak sought revenge through this affair. Legend suggests that the ogre race traces its origins to this union, although this contradicts Vaprak's own supposed lineage. Regardless, Othea's eventual abandonment of Vaprak in favor of Asor spared him from Annam's wrath, which focused on her new lover. Despite feeling a sense of revenge, Vaprak now fears retaliation from the giant gods.  
Myths and legends
Vaprak is said to have lost a contest to the Halfling deity Brandobaris, causing the ogres to cede their forested homeland to halflings - known today as Hobbiton.   Another myth, in regards to Vaprak's origins is a tale of intertwine with the Giant Pantheon, though the details remain murky. While some believe he may have had an independent beginning before joining the giant gods, many ogre legends suggest a deeper connection. Some tales even suggest a giant ancestry for Vaprak, claiming he was fathered by Annam himself. However, the truth of these stories remains uncertain.

Personality Characteristics


Mindless violence delights him, and he seldom strategizes before engaging in battle, preferring impulsive actions. Rather than genuine affection, fear and coercion govern his relationship with his followers, as he threatens severe punishment, including eternal suffering in the Abyss, for any act of disloyalty.


Contacts & Relations

Regardless of his origins, Vaprak's interactions with the Giant Pantheon are extensively chronicled and marked by conflict. Although he possesses formidable power, he often finds himself at odds with the collective might of the pantheon. Despite harboring deep-seated animosity towards certain members, such as Memnor and Grolantor, Vaprak maintains a veneer of civility in their presence, reserving his violent outbursts for later reprisals. His fear of abandonment by his chosen races fuels his resentment towards the larger deities of the pantheon, despite the unlikelihood of wholesale defections due to the repulsive nature of alternatives like Grolantor. Vaprak's paranoia blinds him to any evidence contradicting his beliefs, triggering furious reactions even at the prospect of a single traitor's defection.   Vaprak's animosity towards Baphomet stems from the minotaur god's attempts to convert ogres and giants to his cause, uniting Vaprak and Annam's Brood in a rare display of commonality. Relations with the dwarven gods are strained, as they view Vaprak as yet another detested giant deity, much to his annoyance. Additionally, both Vaprak and the orcish gods engage in recruiting from each other's followers, sparking ongoing conflicts over the allegiance of orogs and ogrillions. Lastly, Vaprak holds grievances against Brandobaris for a past humiliation and Panzuriel for converting scrags and merrow from their traditional worship of the Destroyer to the faith of the Dark of the Deep.
The Destroyer;
The Rapacious;
The King Eater;
The Savage Overlord;
The Raging Behemoth;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power , Aspect of Gruumsh
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Aggression, Violence, Destruction, Frenzy, greed, Ogres, Trolls
Chaos (Demodand, Demon, Riot), Destruction, Erosion, Evil (Cannibalism, Corruption, Daemon, Demodand, Demon), Glory (Hubris), Strength, War (Blood, Duels)
Taloned claw
Trolls, ogres, ettins, hill giants, Sirilisch
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Greatclub, Orc-Double Axe, Greataxe
Holy Days


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