Session 9 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate, Pt. 2" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 9 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate, Pt. 2" Report

General Summary

Returning to The Accused

  • Before leaving, Kythos gave some gold to an elderly woman running the shared home where he is staying.
  • Kythos re-visited the defendants, and questioned them using a Zone of Truth:
    Tasia, The Satyr explained that she did not allow the Daggereyes through the wall.   Omiros, The Satyr stated that he had not given weapons to The Daggereyes. He admitted that he had traded in things that could cause harm in the past (but a lot of things can), and that he delivers goods on behalf of The Eagles (one of The Seven Families represented within The Gerousia of Akros).   Taurion was healed from a disease/poison by Kythos. He recalled being led into the wall by Teraklos' Honour Guard, and hearing the sound of smashing glass before he went unconscious.   Agrius, of The Daggereyes still spoke only Pheres. Philosta tried to "convince" him to speak Trade Talk (with a carefully applied dose of acid), but was unsuccessful.  
  • Kythos used magic to try to locate Taurion's missing horn, but did not locate it

The General's Office

  • Kythos and Philosta visited Teraklos' office in the wall.
  • There was a mural on the wall depicting a clash between two armies - one rising from the seas, and the other descending from the mountains. Above the mountain army were seen images of the gods Heliod, Iroas and Purphoros, and above the other army was an image of the goddess Thassa. In the centre of the image was a depiction of an elderly man, bearing the spear Varantha, and below him (aiming a bow at Thassa) was the hero Prince Ankalades of Akros, below them both (directly over the battlefield) was a depiction of Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros (bearing another image of Varantha) and King Goran III "The Mighty" of Akros (building the wall with his bare hands).
  • Kythos detected magic within the walls of the wall, and a larger concentration of magic around a door leading off of the office (without a handle).
  • Philosta knocked out the guard who was with them (sending them to sleep), and Kythos used the guard's keys to enter the other room, within which he found a pair of silken feminine underwear (Meletian-style, years out of fashion, under the general's bed), and a hidden lockbox at the back of the desk.
  • Kythos and Philosta were detained for some time by the guards, but Xanias eventually freed them.
  • The lockbox was seemingly empty, but under a hidden bottom, the following letters were seen:

Letter No. I

  Thank you for your kind words General - It is easy to forget of late that I still have friends within the Lektoi.   My dreams weigh heavily upon me, and each night is an unenviable struggle. About me all I see are those who resent my power, or seek it for their own ends. I miss the days of my father's reign - even mother was kinder then... now all I can hope for is to retire from this life in peace.   I will ask again that you consider my offer - Varantha would be yours, should you only accept it.  

Letter No. II

  Dear Teraklos, Your obstinancy verges on treason. Were you not my only friend, I would have ordered your arrest years ago!   I emplore you to return to The Kollophon, so that you may see the truth of your suspicions. It is much as you thought, though perhaps deadlier. They have all but given up on her pursuit, and the calls for a successor grow deafening.   If you do not come soon, then they will proclaim my nephew King, and with him The Boars, not The Rams, will be ascendant.  

Letter No. III

  I am sorry for the tone of my last letter. I know why you stay at The Gate, and I hope only that you continue to live with love. I walked past the fountain of Saerene (Saerene "Sea-Daughter") the other day. It made me think back to the first lesson we both had there with Cerester (Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis")… Those were such simpler times.   Herimeles (Herimeles, Arch-Priest of Heliod) is here, yes, but he remains his usual self. I can’t go to him.    

Letter No. IV

  And so, war has been declared.   Had I not walked in on Pollas' (Pollas, Elder of The Rams) speech to The Gerousia (The Gerousia of Akros), I wouldn't have even known... Mother was there, as was Climenestos (General Climnestos, Elder of The Foxes). They all knew, and none of them thought to even consult me.   I am queen in name only now Teraklos, and Cymede (Queen Cymede of Akros) is lost. You must come to The Kollophon. I need an ally now more than ever.

Tasia's House

  • It turned out that Tasia is a noble from the City State of Meletis (the Polis from which Kythos and Hixus hail)
Map of Theros
An Over-Arching Map of the world of Theros.
  • Tasia's servants mentioned "bombs" and their desire to free their mistress from her captivity
  • They agreed to allow Kythos to try to prove her innocence, but said that they will not allow harm to befall her, should he prove unsuccessful.
  • The servants advised that they have evidence of their mistress' innocence, but it is shameful, and they cannot use it. Kythos asked if they would give a false testimony to defend Tasia, which they agreed they would.
  • They then spoke to a statue of the goddess Ephara, whose lips moved and stated it understood the plan, and was in agreement.
  • They gave Kythos a potion of invisibility, to aid his attempts to infiltrate The Alamon Academy.

The Alamon Academy

  • Kythos found that the handwriting on the inside of his breastplace (which inscribed his name onto it) is written in a similar style to the unnamed hanwriting on the shipments into, and out of The Wall (for "fertiliser") 
  • Returning to The Academy, Kythos spoke with Xanias, Lekta, and 2 members of The Honour Guard.
  • Lekta (12 year-old Alamon trainee) explained that she had seen Xanias meeting with members of The Honour Guard, and that he was their Lieutenant. She also stated she'd seen him meeting with a man in a caravan, outside the wall.
  • Xanias explained that Agrius, of The Daggereyes had admitted to the crimes he'd been convincted of, and offered Kythos a plea deal - Taurion obviously must die, but he is willing to allow lesser sentences for Omiros, The Satyr and Tasia, The Satyr. Kythos refused this.
  • Xanias stated how impressed he was with Kythos' commitment to justice, and said that there are powerful people paying attention.
  • One of The Honour Guards gave a pre-prepared statement about the events of the attack - explaining that Taurion gored General Teraklos, of the Second Legion to death.
  • Afterwards, Kythos infiltrated the office, and made his way into the adjoining bedroom. There, he found a desk within which was a scroll in Akroan that he couldn't read, and a statuette of Prince Ankalades of Akros, alongside an inscription in Akroan he couldn't make out.
  • Kythos was attacked by one of The Honour Guard, who called for help - Kythos, however, managed to escape without breaking his invisibility.

Returning to the shared house

  • Witnessed Xercos leading a prayer to Thassa, above a small bowl with a whirlpool in. The Elderly woman explained that it is a celebration of Memoriae Thessalum, where people forget their troubles - people then dipped their foreheads into the water, and a silver thread descended into the pool...
  • Afterwards, Kythos prepared his defence with Xercos and Philosta
  • Xercos suggested that, should words not suffice, the ancient traditions allow for a Trial by Combat, before The Tribunal of gods...
  • Kythos agreed on the "Go Phrase" of "The Jewel of The Sea" with Philosta and Xercos - for them to do "something", possibility in conjunction with (or to stop) Tasia's servants...

Rewards Granted

Gained 1 Piety for dedication to justice, and 1 Piety for helping to rebuild Titan's Gate (giving funds to the elderly lady). Lost 1 Piety for countenancing lying by Tasia's servants, in order to defend their lady.  Overall Piety Gain (Heliod) = 1 (New Total = 4)
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.
The Gerousia of Akros  The Royal Family of Akros


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