Battle of Eternities' Annihilation

Final battle of the Hyperquasar Annihilator War. An extremely powerful force of 4 Hyperion Star Annihilators along with their Grand Fleets have been deployed. T.S. Dawn of Annihilation, T.S. Eternal Night, T.S. Vengeance of Tebburus and T.S. Cataclysm. The latter would be captained by Tarlox, the legendary First War-Engineer.   Wanting to protect their precious superweapon, the Cypher Dominion set up a solid defence that challenged even these ships!   As all the IGWDs of every ship cooperated to form a wormhole as close to the Cypher Hyperquasar Annihilator as possible, and because of the fact both the destination and original position have black holes, they managed to get very close to it. The huge energy emission when warping in immediately alerted Cypher commanders as they scrambled to get an immense force there fast. The Federation fleet met a force to behold indeed.   But they knew the stakes of this battle. Should the Federation be defeated here, the CD would learn and never let the HF launch similar attacks ever again. Letting the Cypher Dominion slowly destroy every galaxy in the universe one by one.  
Faced with victory or death, as well as no points of retreat, the Federation overclocked all the warp drives of all starships in order to get ever closer to the Hyperquasar Annihilator. The HF calculates the ships must make 2 warp jumps before reaching the superweapon. In the first system all resistance was easily squashed as the CD didn't put a huge force there. Only the systems normal defences.   They met far more resistance in the 2nd system however. The CD set up a lot of defence platforms and stashed a fleet or 2 there. While Hyperion casualties were high the attack had to go on. T.S. Eternal Night and its part of the fleet took a massive volume of fire. All of its escorts were destroyed, claiming millions of lives. The Star Annihilator itself had its shield depleted, so the CD shot at its spinal weapon. A powerful stream of anti neutrons hit the Synchrotron and released enough positrons within the Eternal Night's hull to destroy a star with ease. The entire ship was cut in half. No survivors.   Although, the rest of the attack force reported ready to jump. They didn't have a moment to waste so they jumped immediately. They made it to the Hyperquasar Annihilator. It was a huge sight for the Hyperion crews to witness.   All the Cataclysms fired all available weapons at the superweapon. The Synchrotrons, as mentioned earlier, are powerful enough to destroy stars on their own. 3 of these weapons fired at the superweapon simultaneously. Cataclysms also come armed with 2 Tachyon Obliteration Cannons in turrets and 98 Trinity antimatter missiles. It caused moderate damage to the superweapon itself. Of course, the Dominion didn't stand there as the Federation shot at its most prized possession. They brought overwhelming firepower to bear and managed to destroy T.S. Dawn of Annihilation along with its escorts. Before its Antimatter Annihilation Core blew, it tried to fly closer to the superweapon in hopes that the Antimatter Core detonation would damage it. But it didn't get close. Inspired by the Dawn, T.S. Vengeance of Tebberus got its vengeance. They overclocked its drive system so much that they could not physically get any more force out of it if they wanted to. It managed to get very close to the supermassive black hole and slingshot off it and flew right into the superweapon, where it rammed into it at extreme speeds, enough to penetrate through its hull. The antimatter reactor detonated and left a huge gaping hole. But now, its Stellar Shield was visible!   The fate of the universe is now in Tarlox's hands as he captained the only remaining Star Annihilator, T.S. Cataclysm. With his escorts destroyed, as well of those of T.S. Vengeance of Tebburus, he was still too far from the Stellar Shield to finish it! But he couldn't reach it before Cypher forces would finish off his own ship. In a daring move, he ordered to fire the Synchrotron at it (Synchrotrons can hit targets around corners). An ocean of positrons was generated inside his ship, an obvious danger. Through the use of the other superweapons available on the ship, he managed to fight off multiple waves of enemies single handedly, who now only attacked with even greater ferocity. The shield of T.S. Cataclysm fell. At this point, its superweapon was almost fully charged and ready to fire.   Suddenly, the immense ocean of positrons within T.S. Cataclysm left the ship through the weapon. They made their way over to the Hyperquasar Annihilator, where they would find the Stellar Shield and open it up to the Federation's Nicoll-Dyson Beam in Odyros. Now all he had to do was to get out of here, despite a notable lack of retreat paths. He did have an idea, though, utilizing the ships IGWD. As the Nicoll-Dyson Beam fired at the dying Cypher superweapon, the quantum foam was increased substantially - even more than a supermassive black hole normally does. The IGWD found a usable wormhole within mere minutes and T.S. Cataclysm became the only starship to escape the fight.   Tarlox just saved the universe. As for the Dominion, their favorite weapon was reduced to a wreckage. It would be a bad idea to repair that again.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Pyric HF Victory


Hyperion Federation

Led by

Cypher Dominioin





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