Cymaseus I

Gas giant in the Cymaseus System  Cymaseus I is the hottest planet in the system, being located closer than other worlds and the thick atmosphere keeping all the heat in. Despite this, it still has not reached any fusion thresholds, so remains a gas giant. It does however noticeably glow a faint red due to its temperature. Despite these extreme conditions, many Arkan biological space creatures depend on gas giants such as this for propellant. Arkanian life has ended up on the gas giant and has evolved for these adverse conditions, able to synthesise energy from the heat and sunlight while providing a food source for larger predators.   Furthermore, Cymaseus I has some planet sized moons orbiting it. Several of these are lava planets, which are influenced so heavily by the tides that the lava can rise massively. King tides (tides that are created by both the gas giant and star which combine into a far larger tide) can be large enough to cover most of the surface area of a continent. Mining efforts on this world thus must be carried out with extreme care. Much like the gas giant, these lava worlds have managed to evolve its own life which can resist the extremely hot conditions.
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