Great Cymaseus Habitat

Massive O' Neil Cylinder of the Hyperion Federation, located in a high stellar orbit in the Cymaseus System.   The Great Cymaseus Habitat is the most well known habitation station in the system and has by far the largest population, spanning almost 50 km in length and housing a population of almost 1 billion, or 1/30 of the entire system. Of these, about half of them are Eanarsans, and very close to 100% of the population have one or more Dhim'or. This makes the station an incredibly important asset to the HF, especially the Troznux Clans, therefore they have placed a large number of defenses on the station.   Additionally, it has multiple docks for starships (mostly just large cables which keep the ships tethered to the station; Teleporters can do the rest), from which they can launch large groups of starships to easily obtain a very mobile defence force. Apart from this, this is where the Phelke that designed the Devastator Quantum-Looped Photon Cannon resides. This is one thing the station is known for, this particular weapon of this individual (and his dhim'or).   The station itself can generate a lot of power through the use of Planck-Dismantlement Beams. Excess energy is sent to the greater Hyperion Federation in the form of antimatter.
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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