Cymaseus VII

Planet in the Cymaseus System.   Cymaseus VII is a large, cold planet. The surface averages to about -20°C. Despite this, a small amount of life is present on Cymaseus VII despite the extreme conditions. These extremophiles evolved to resist this temperature with relative ease to escape from predators and more easily reproduce. Life got here in the first place like most other worlds in the Arkan galaxy - via bioships.   Other than some niche scientific opportunities here, studying potential life that might very rarely exist on cold planets, Cymaseus VII is mostly used for mining. The planet experiences little geological activity and there is little to lose on the planet, so the Hyperion Federation extracts metal ore from the core and crust, turning it into matter plasma before teleporting it into orbit. These mining facilities are powered via Planck-Dismantlement Beam, which dismantle any matter waste produced. Excess energy is similarly teleported into orbit as antimatter.   Some larger fossils found here do raise some interesting scientific questions though. It is theorized that these belonged to some very old species of Arkan bioship, perhaps even ancient Troznux, but none of those species have been found anywhere else in the galaxy. Cymaseus VII also has a single, large moon orbiting it.
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