Cymaseus Deep Space Defence Platform

A very large defence platform orbiting the Cymaseus System at the massive radius of about 1 ly.   The Cymaseus Deep Space Defence Platform is located far outside of where most would consider the edge of a star system, and such lies in interstellar space within the Arkan galaxy. Way out here, it is more easily kept secret. They have suppressed its energy signature to a high degree, so only high power tachyon radars are likely to detect it in a meaningful way.   This defence platform is armed with several large Trebuchet Class Deep Space Railcannons mounted in turrets, able to target enemy ships from several systems away and can provide a defencive counterbattery fire against enemy deep space weapons, or cause immense attrition against larger starships such as star annihilators. The primary purpose of the station, though, is to ward off any Arkan bioship threats that might attempt to destroy HF assets.   Using a highly powerful tachyon radar of its own, it can easily detect and eliminate any smaller objects that have seemingly agressive intent, even though all parties travel at superluminal velocity (except the station). The calculations involved to aim it accurately are extremely in depth, and require extremely powerful Quantum Computing Devices to function.
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