Cymaseus IV

Habitable planet in the Cymaseus System.   Cymaseus IV has evolved a large number of different species and a thriving ecosystem thanks to the Arkanian bioships around the system. This planet is a key area where the Dhim'or evolved, along with Cymaseus V. This evolution path relied on creatures migrating between IV and V with mating and feeding seasons. Cymaseus IV has different conditions from Cymaseus V. Firstly, it was hotter due to being closer to the star. Secondly it had shorter seasons and years due to its tighter orbital radius. Thirdly it had a higher geological activity resulting in some creatures evolving for it or even using this instability to hide from predators. The equator specifically has a number of large locations that are remniscient of lava planets, having a large amount of lava. Most of the world has a thick canopy over it that keeps a lot of moisture near the surface.   The Hyperion Federation has settled on Cymaseus IV though despite the conditions. It has a population of several billion and has a number of dhim'or growth farms. The culture of this world likes to encourage the spread of the dhim'or race, and managed to increase their population significantly.
Location under
Owning Organization


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