Transmutation Reactor Technology / Science in THF Universe | World Anvil

Transmutation Reactor

The Hyperion Federation has very powerful tools available that can fabricate almost anything - the Replicator.    However, replicators cannot use atoms not present. The atoms must be of the correct element to build the object. For example, if there is not enough iron atoms, it cannot fabricate a techprint involving iron, even if there is matter plasma available.   To come around this limitation, there exists a device called a transmutation reactor that can change the elements of atoms by adding or removing quantum particles from the atoms. This process typically, but not always, requires a lot of energy. Also it is quite slow as it must process every atom one at a time. Due to this, multiple transmutation reactors may be used in parallel.   Sometimes it is possible to generate energy from transmutation reactions. As iron-56 has the highest binding energy per nucleon,  it is the most stable element and isotope. This makes it the only element that is always energy negative to transmute.
Access & Availability
They are large and energy intensive. They may not be available to everyone, but some people might have them. Military ships would often have these.


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