Eanars Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil


Habitable planet located near the Cymaseus System, in the Arkan galaxy.   Eanars is the 2nd planet from the parent star. It has been colonised by humans of the Leosus Federation. It now has a population numbering in the billions, but its inhabitants are no longer human. Due to exposure to the Cymaseus system, a large number of Dhim'or have also arrived at the world. They arrived in large enough numbers to modify the culture of the planet in favor of their own reproduction. The inhabiting culture became almost obsessed with them, so those without dhim'or would be treated as outcast. Some left the world.   Eventually, the dhim'or would enact selective breeding on the human colonists. This lasted enough time to cause them to speciate, and they evolved into Eanarsans. They differ from humans because they have a larger stomach to house more dhim'ors in a single body, a heavily modified immune system to treat dhihm'or themselves and their eggs as almost part of the eanarsan body, and generally specializing on dhim'or hosting. Although the rest of the Hyperion Federation noticed the phenomenon occur, federation policy did not allow them to punish the dhim'or, or the humans / Eanarsans on the world. Due to the speciation, Eanars is technically a homeworld of a species very similar to humans.   They also declared independence from the Leosus Federation due to cultural differences. Although they are now a minor HF star nation occupying a single planet, they still contribute to the greater federation economy and export a large number of dhim'or eggs; most of those eggs are grown on this world. Of course, they try to spread the dhim'or reproduction over the entire Hyperion Federation, but found that not everyone is keen on it.
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