Gamma Kais VI Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Gamma Kais VI

A planet in the Gamma Kais System.   Gamma Kais VI is a cold, rocky planet. It is the 6th from the parent star. Like most planets in this system, bioships have visited it. Often used as a shelter to hide away from predators (as they cannot visit the atmosphere). Many forms of space life were spread to the world. Although there is mostly space moss on the planet, there are some smaller, buglike creatures. This ecosystem cannot sustain a large amount of life because it is too far form the parent star. This hampers the moss ability to photosynthesise. However, it remains of interest to the Hyperion Federation because of some forms of life that is capable of eating the radiation from various radioactive materials deep underground.   Although not hot anymore, this world is relatively young and still contains large amounts of fissile material. Because of this, large areas of the surface contain dangerous levels of radiation. Most races need to wear radiation proof suits to survive effectively on this planet.The HF has established several laboratories around the world, most of which are armoured with radiation armour.
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