Gamma Kais I Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Gamma Kais I

A planet in the Gamma Kais System.   Gamma Kais I is very close to its parent star, and as such is very hot. However, there is still a lot of life on the world as some species of Arkanian bioships evolved to land on the surface. These lifeforms have become very heat resistant, allowing them to survive in the extremely hot conditions.   Aditionally, some species of space moss also evolved to survive on the planet. These have taken over much of the surface. This supports a food chain on the planet. As some smaller, mobile lifeforms have developed on the world, some have lost the capability for space travel. They can survive quite well on this hot planet though, and now there are hundreds of thousands of species that live on the world. This supports the large bioship lifeforms and has also become a fairly decent hunting ground for some bioships.   Despite ithe large quantity of valuable metal on the planet, the Hyperion Federation does not mine it. It is inhabited by sentient Troznux beings, some of which might become endangered due to pollutants released by mining operations. Mining would also likely degrade ground quality.   The world has only 1 moon. Although no lifeform has found a way to survive the hot lava, the moon can cause tidal shifts. This makes the effective 'beaches' of the world complete no-go zones.
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