Gamma Kais System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Gamma Kais System

A star system in the Arkan galaxy.   The Gamma Kais star itself is a class A, white, star. It is large and luminous, and has several asteroid belts that spaceborne lifeforms cling to and harness the star energy from. Despite the very diferent conditions, various lifeforms have found a way to survive on most worlds of the Gamma Kais System, making it very densely populated with many species - including Troznux.   The system is of high importance to the Hyperion Federation because of this - and although they capture some of the star energy, are careful to not damage the unique ecosystem here. Some theories suggest this is even where the Troznux originate. Signs of previous civilizations have been found on several worlds in the system, some even seemed to have been primitive.   Many species of Troznux / non-sentient Arkan bioships have traits that no theory of evolution would allow. This means they must have been engineered, so the HF is very interested in finding out the origins of the bioships. The HF has set up a large amount of laboratories here - which are now largely covered in a space moss, but still functional and commonly used.   The HF relies on the bioships for system defence and security. They have little in the way of armed stations.
Star System
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Owning Organization


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