Gamma Kais V Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Gamma Kais V

A gas giant planet in the Gamma Kais System.   Gamma Kais V is a gas giant of an average temperature. Its orbint is quite close to Gamma Kais IV, and also occupies an orbit totally within the golidilocks zone for life. This planet was entirely devoid of life, until several species of Arkanian bioships, including some Troznux, evolved to descend onto the gas giant world.   Its atmospheric composition is highly diverse, containing a large amount of hydrogen, carbon, helium and even various transition metals. Microbal life previously living in the bioships have ended up in this gas giant. However, they fed on the exotic atmosphere while also taking energy from the star. These have since reproduced and evolved. Now much of the gas giant atmosphere is covered in these microbial lifeforms, constantly feeding on the atmosphere, starlight and each other. The world has also evolved some forms of smaller predators. Due tot he harsh winds, however, few forms of life are larger than that.   The bioships themselves are not capable of descending very far into the world. The winds and pressure will eventually tear them apart, despite their incredibly strong skin. They usually use the world to hide from spaceborne predators, which are much larger. Although the Hyperion Federation does not send starships to the world for obvious reasons, they conduct scans and experiments from orbit. They have found out much about life in gas giants, which is extremely rarely seen in the universe. The world also features several large, powerful storms that have been present for almost as long as the planet existed. Life in these areas is much more difficult but is also away from the predators.
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