Epsilon Antilae I

Lava planet of the Epsilon Antilae System.   Epsilon Antilae I is unique for its extreme axial tilt, as well as its orbital path that is almost perpendicular to the other planets in the system. This has given the planet some highly unique properties which can make it difficult to mine but also present some strange scientific opportunities. Most astronomers working on the planets mysteries focus on the massively skewed orbital path.   This anomaly might be explained through the capturing of a rogue world, but that is unlikely to produce such an orbit that is at a nearly perfect perpendicular angle. This should in theory be possible however. Another theory is that the system could be engineered, but that is also highly unlikely as the rest of the worlds seem to be in more natural orbits (and it seems like a highly impractical place to put a lot of resources).   Other than its scientific value, it is also rich in many kinds of metal ore, like most lava planets. It is very dangerous to mine on though, for obvious reasons, but has been colonized primarily by lava suons who are far more likely to survive the environment than other species. In current times, many others do inhabit the system though, for example saelians.
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