Ztaras Station

Large habitation station in the Epsilon Antilae System.   The ztrars station is actually a large, hollowed out asteroid. This has made it cheaper to construct, but this would of course not be up to proper Hyperion Federation standards as mechanical materials were largely preferred over natural materials. They did eventually reinforce the inside of the structure so that in the event of a collision with other asteroids it would probably still remain operational.   It was actually constructed by the Saelian Coalition before the Suon - Saelian war. The population of this station grew significantly, and the Coalition managed to fit a population of several billion on the station before it was taken over by the United Nations of Tebburus. The station then had its population increased slightly due to a small number of suons travelling there, but not before they were given cybernetic implants to better survive the alien conditions. The saelians defended it effectively, using the natural rock exterior to help protect it, as well as a large number of weaponized turrets and starships, but eventually the suons did manage to penetrate it and send boarding / ground assault teams.   Although the fusion reactor was replaced with a Planck-Dismantlement Beam, making hydrogen fuel obsolete, its hydrogen tank would still remain on the station despite the fact they could easily remove it using Replicators. This would remain for cultural and historic reasons primarily.However, it is approaching maximum population. It might have to continue to expand, but lose its rock exterior as it outgrows its asteroid. The saelians didn't design it to have such a large population, if they did, they would have chosen a larger asteroid to hollow out. The culture living on the asteroid are upset about this possibility, as they see it as their way to be unique, so some have actually decided to move off the station to other worlds or regular habitation statioins.
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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