Epsilon Antilae Shipyard

A large shipyard used by the Saelian Coalition in the Epsilon Antilae System before and during the Suon - Saelian war.   The shipyard occupies a relatively large orbit, located just outside the radius of Epsilon Antilae VII, also in a stellar orbit. It was quite large and able to construct almost any Flying Disc available to the Coalition at the time. It was also heavily armed with a massive number of turreted weapons, and of course also defended with starships that could dock to it. The station itself was strangely shaped like a Flying Disc too. This was until it was taken over by the United Nations of Tebburus. The saelians destroyed it completely before capture to deny the enemy from using such a large asset against them.   After the war, they eventually repaired it though and it became a large HF starship replicator, a station similar to other HF shipyards around. A lot has changed about it, and now its tyrannical origins have become hidden, difficult to detect.The shipyard also had, and now has again, some large habitation modules allowing much of the crew to live on the station itself, which reduces the logistics required to move crew around significantly.
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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