Epsilon Antilae System

Star system located in the Odyros galaxy.   The Epsilon Antilae system, like the Delta Antilae System, is located near both the Tiact System and Ukots System. Although Epsilon Antilae wouldnt be as strategically important as Delta Antilae, during the Suon-Saelian war, it would still provide an excellent chokepoint to the side that held it and was highly valuable. By using the system as a bottleneck, the Saelian Coalition managed to destroy several suon fleets, the latter having to retreat.   The suons would not let this be the end of their attack though, especially seeing they already come so far. They needed something else, as even Tachyon Cannons would prove insufficient for the sheer attrition required. As such, the United Nations of Tebburus (the suon star nation) would deploy a significantly larger force. After a lengthy tachyon cannon barrage, they attacked and this time managed to break the saelian defences.   They slowly rebuilt the infrastructure after the war, but the resources of both sides were strained. They both tried to repair the buildings for those who lived there, but would not see success for almost 10 years as both sides had even higher priorities, even after dismantling most of the military. In memory of this period of time, they would construct a large war memorial station in a very high stellar orbit. This would be almost as far from the star as the furthest planet.   After the war, the suons surprisingly handed it back over ot the Coalition as it was located closer to Ukots than Tebburus. These star nations then formed the Hyperion Federation.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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