Epsilon Antilae III

Planet in the Epsilon Antilae System.   Epsilon Antilae III is known to have an extremely eccentric (elliptic) orbit. Due to this, the surface temperature can vary noticeably, but despite this, it remains within the habitable zone at all times. For most of its time, though, it is colder than other habitable planets and as it gets closer to Epsilon Antilae it speeds up and warms up, so the hot seasons are typically shorter.   This can be largely inconvenient to those inhabiting the planet, but it is primarily known for the many recreation type structures. For example, there are a large number of museums, sport stadiums, and various other entertainment centers. This makes the planet quite heavily sought over for many so it has a large population of about 80 billion. Much of the planet is covered in very few, massive, cities. Members of many different species also come to live here or as tourists to enjoy the planet.   There is also a somewhat significant black market for illicit drugs, except due to the post-scarcity status of the HF, money is rarely traded. This has resulted in a number of deaths as some drugs can contain chemicals which are fatal to some species, so the federation actively tries to monitor this planet as closely as possible to ensure the black market doesnt expand much. It has to be small enough to remain hidden from the authorities.   Back during the Suon - Saelian war, it was fought over heavily as it is the only habitable world in the system. There are still a number of wreckages on and obiting the planet.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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