Gartas I

Very hot lava planet of the Gartas System.   The lava planet is almost constantly bombarded with intense solar radiation from the class B star that it orbits at a short radius. However, sometimes the stellar engine megastucture blocks the light which occasionally allows the planet to cool down and allow continents to form. This can have dramatic weather effects, especially as the core can be extremely hot when the crust is colder, or vice versa. This can bring some ore veins to the surface though, making it possibly extremely valuable for mining. Therefore, the Alti Dominion attempted mining here, to not much success. This left a number of wreckages on the world, further increasing richness. After the Alti was removed from the system, the Hyperion Federation and Republic of Miasi both made attempts.   Only the HF managed to extract a decent quantity of metal, with surprisingly few casualties, to the republic simply let the HF mine whatever they want there, and profit off the planet via trade with the HF. The HF itself mostly deploys the matter manipulating nanobots to recover the metal ore. They can easily make their way through rock, which significantly reduces the need for boring, reducing the number of miners sent to the world which reduces casualties. The nanobots however require a large amount of energy to travel such long distances without support, so they have built several charging stations at several points under the crust.
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