Gartas IV

Large gas giant world in the Gartas System  Gartas IV can range significantly in weather activity, making it extremely dangerous to construct orbital collectors on. This phenomenon happens because of the huge temperature variation caused by the planet constantly orbiting the star, which causes it to transfer between cold and hot states constantly as the stellar engine around the Gartas System star blocks light at some locations of its orbit.   Despite this, though, the Hyperion Federation still managed to exploit the world using special collectors that instead make use of incredibly precise Graviton Wave Refraction to cause some of the hydrogen gas to flow upwards towards the station. This is highly energy intensive though, so they had to construct Transmutation Reactors on the gas giant - and harness power from the gas, but this also means that it can only send atoms heavier than nitrogen to the HF. Although possible to use Transmutation Reactors to cause oxygen to undergo fission back into hydrogen, but that requires a massive amount of energy, so the oxygen is usually just used in matter plasma.   Back when the Alti Dominion occupied the system, they didn't make any attempts to extract hydrogen from this world. They only used it as a slingshot sometimes, so (extremely rarely) crushed and spent fuel canisters can be found in the core of the gas giant.
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