Gartas II

A planet in the Gartas System.   Gartas II is a relatively hot gas giant, with a large amount of hydrogen which has been exploited by several different factions (the Alti Dominion, Republic of Miasi, Hyperion Federation) but remains useful despite all the gas giant lifting. Gartas II has a relatievly strong magnetosphere as well, despite most gas giants having miniature inner cores. This is because Gartas II's inner core is much larger and comprised of more metallic material, which allows it to have that powerful magnetosphere. This serves to hold the hot gas within the planet itself, but it could damage some computing systems of some stations that attempted to exploit it. This could result in their destruction as well. The HF, however, are practically uneffected by it as their computers are so effectively Faraday-caged.   The hydrogen is used as fusion reactor fuel (the HF instead uses it for Transmutation Reactors). However, its most significant feature are the several terraformed planets orbiting it. These are known as Gartas II a, Gartas II b, ect. In total, there are 8 of these planets. The gas giant can have massive influences on the worlds tides though, so most of the population lives at high altitude areas very far from the sea. Some entire populations also live on large pontoon cities or underwater to keep themselves safe.   However there is 1 significant caveat. As the planet completes orbits around its parent star, the stellar engine megastructure built around that star sometimes blocks a lot of light. This can cause very long nights and cause the planets to alternate between too hot (being too close to the star) and too cold (not recieving energy from the star). The Alti actually managed to almost fix this by making all the habitable worlds shellworlds which take energy when available and use large rotating UV lights to simulate a day/night cycle.
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