Granolas I

Lava planet in the Granolas System.   Granolas I has been subject to so many different mining operations by all different factions that all the mining stations are all comprised of different technology. Some factions have used core mining on the world, allowing several different access points. These are of course always used by whatever faction holds the planet at any given time.   The planet used to be very rich in metal ore, even compared to other lava worlds. But it remains incredibly useful still, so its still heavily fought over. As such, a huge number of defences have been placed around the world, however, Granolas III being the most valuable planet is much better defended. It does however form a powerful forward base giving its owner an advantage over attackers in the system. Positioned strategically in the system and with a number of large shipyards orbiting, it is capable of supporting large fleets and staging attacks in most locations through the system.   The planet also has small habitats in various locations through the surface. This gives the planet a population of several 10's of millions (mostly to provide the mines with easy access to nearby staff), but the population continues to grow. The planet has 2 moons which both have an effect on the tides, but as it is close to the star, the star has the largest impact. It can cause lava levels to rise dramatically, so all habitats are built to withstand complete submersion in lava.
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