Granolas System

Star system located in the Arcturus galaxy, in the Unreachable Star Cluster.  The Granolas star itself is a class G star.   The Granolas system is important for being one of the few planets in the Unreachable Cluster that are habitable. As such, multiple wars have been fought over it between the Alti Dominion, Republic of Miasi, Hyperion Federation and other faction forces. This is important because the Unreachable Cluster is deemed difficult to reach by all Arcturus star nations, which is a key reason why it is very difficult to attack. Even extragalactic threats can struggle to stage attacks on it, so any species that can own the planet would have a more secured future in these cases.   The defence stations around the system often change owner after every attack, so while they often need to be repaired, surprisingly few are rebuilt. But this doesnt always apply because some factions have adopted a scorched earth policy denying their enemy access to these defence stations by destroying them. Some have even tried negotiating with other factions to secure the planet.   Other planets also exist in the system. These are mostly mined or used for habitation. Those planets that do not have a large amount of metal ore are instead core mined for resources. The system has a large asteroid belt between the 4th and 5th planetary orbits, making it easier to defend... or to blockade.
Star System
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