Beta Targos System

Star system located near the edge of the Arkan galaxy, close to the tip of one of the spirals. Class A main sequence star.   The Beta Targos system is the home star system of the Harkas race. This species has engineered a huge number of species for various purposes, including space travel, and are very highly genetically diverse even by themselves. As such, this is where all the spacefaring lifeforms of the Arkan galaxy originated, including the Troznux. Later, many of these lifeforms would evolve, further increasing genetic diversity and eventually destroying every civilization in the galaxy with the exception of the Harkas. Most lifeforms are located on planets, asteroids and planetary rings where there is a lot of matter present. However, some lifeforms are capable of migrating between them. Eventually the Harkas engineered these bioships with FTL organs that allow them to travel at superluminal velocity to other star systems, speeding up bioship and Harkas expansion significantly.   The star system has a very highly diverse range of planets. For example, the only known Cyber Sphere planet that is outside the Unreachable Star Cluster of Arcturus is located here. It is also the only Cyber Sphere with organic life in large quantity. This has been of great interest to the Hyperion Federation, so they have explored a lot of it. They are yet to find a single sector without biological life, including the core. Harkas have also inhabited this planet. The HF has asked them for the intel they seek, and they have given much of it. Some questions still remain, though, including some sectors that have not been explored by any harkas.   Stranger still, this cyber sphere is part of a binary system with another planet of a similar size and temperature, Panagia. A regular habitable planet. As they orbited each other, they would impact the tides of the other for eternity. The Beta Targos system still attracts the attention of many hyperion scientists to this day, 30 000 years later. Making events here nothing short of a massive revelation to the hyperionites.   However, from outside, Beta Targos appears far less luminous than it actually is. This is due to the many orgsnisms consuming most of the stellar radiation before it is emitted into space. This factor makes this system - as well as every star system in the Arkan galaxy with Astromoeba - much less bright.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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