Lambda Raltais Bio Lab

Large station designed for research in the Lambda Raltais System, orbiting the class G star.   The station is exactly located in stellar orbit in a radius slightly larger than that of Lambda Ralatais A IV. Its orbit has been made almost perfectly circular for ease of access. The stations habitation section attempts to mimic the conditions of Cela close enough for Saelian life. This is because the population is a mostly saelian one and has a population of about 3 million.   This station is a key structure for the federation and its xenobiology. Many non-sentient alien species are often teleported here for study. This station has provided the Hyperion Science Association with thousands of diagrams of various alien species and often some other useful data too. Due to the station being almost useless in wartime, the HF has not defended it extremely well. They placed a number of turrets on the station and some missiles. Back during the Suon - Saelian war, the station would be attacked by suon forces, but not before the saelians managed to evacuate it several days before it was attacked. They all returned home to the station after about 2 years after the alliance between the suons and saelians was formed.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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