Lambda Raltais B II

Planet orbiting the Lambda Raltais B star, of the star system with the same name.   Lambda Raltais B II is an extremely cold planet. It orbits a white dwarf star, which emits very little heat. However, it once was a relatively hot planet and thus still contains a measure of valuable metals that can be used in starships or structures.   Due to the surface being extremely dark, it has been made somewhat more difficult to attack, for both sides of the Suon - Saelian war, so the white dwarf star system in general was largely neglected by the United Nations of Tebburus, until the class G star system was taken over. This allowed the Saelians more time to build up defences, but like all other, ended up being breached anyway, due to the extremely well-played forces and technology of the suons. They have very recently finished the Tebburus Unification War at the time, making their forces very experienced. After battles have commenced on this world, it has become littered with wreckages non surprisingly.   They have cleaned many of these up, and have also launched mining operations on the planet (as the extreme lack of geological activity reduces the risk of constructing buildings there massively). Despite its extremely cold nature, it is decently valuable.What far fewer know about this planet, though, is that it is a military project blacksite. The extreme dark nature of the planet conceals it very well, and the otherwise powerful energy signature can be suppressed, making it near detecteable when the majority of the facilies is constructed underground.
Location under
Owning Organization


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