
A large sector of the Zar Belt, that has a high concentration of radioactive material.   The Sabaria sector features mostly mutated life - due to the radiation. The Harkas Midworldians have still resisted and adapted to these conditions though - they have developed into another subspecies that have radiotropic properties - their skin can absorb radiation for a small amount of energy. This also gives them a large radiation resistance, mostly preventing them from being mutated. Sometimes they might also use some highly radioactive rocks to warm up, extending their radiators to recieve radiation. They also absorb a small amount of radiation from the star, but that source is much further away so they prefer to take it from the rocks.   Sabaria has also proven useful for the construction of some very early microbial organisms capable of harnessing the power of nuclear decay. This would become the Harkas' equivalent of nuclear reactors and RTGs. This organism would grow incredibly quickly from the extreme energy levels of nuclear reactions and soon a concentration large enough to eat would be grown. They would provide the harkas with a lot of energy - and the Sabarians especially would make use of this to grow a number of bioships. Eventually, one sabarian would invent a weapon the likes of which has never been seen before. By causing a powerful enough nuclear chain reaction, it became possible to build nuclear weapons using large organisms that could seperate the isotopes of uranium - U235 and U238 - before gathering a large amount of U235 and coating it in a protective colony microbial organism. These were deployed against the Panagians during the sabaria-panagia war and have killed millions.
Asteroid belt
Location under
Owning Organization


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