
A planet in the Beta Targos System.   Panagia is a part of the binary system along with Binary Targos. These 2 worlds constantly orbit the parent star together, as well as each other. Both planets also have their own moons and asteroid rings, making this part of the star system quite complex.   Panagia is unique, however, in that it has an extremely rare feature only shared by Tebburus and Mauray: floating islands. Panagia features a large, powerful Taidakic Field, and many lifeforms on the planet have adapted to use this to their advantage. For example, the Harkas.   similar to Binary Targos, Panagia also has a large temperature range. The continents on the north and south poles would be extremely cold, so life there would evolve to survive in colder conditions. Around the equator, some entire continents that resemble lava planets would form, along with floating islands. This makes this planet highly diverse, but most of the surface is taken up by regular, habitable land. Although island density can vary depending on location, it is present on all corners of the world. The airborne harkas subspecies here have adapted to rely on the Taidakic Field of this planet rather than on air resitance to remain in the air. The radiator-wings (which have become entirely wing at this point, and much smaller) are primarily used for mid-air adjustments, similar to an Air Suon. This is far more efficient, and does not require one to develop a very light body (e.g. hollowed out bones) to fly. These people would call many of the floating islands home. There were other groups that evolved to traverse ground more effectively (and thus almost entirely lost their radiator-wings), and others that converted the radiators into fins for aquatic travel (and then evolving larger tails for propulsion). The Taidakic field is being created by an ancient machine deep in the crust. This is remniscient of the Pyre of Stars on Tebburus, but was not constructed by the Xadia Ancients. It seems to be a component from Binary Targos.
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