Zar Belt

A large asteroid belt located within the midworlds (and therefore inhabited by Midworldians), in the Beta Targos System.   The Zar Belt, though fairly hot, is home to a massive variety of life, including a huge number of midworldian houses. It recieves a lot of energy from the star, and materials also come from the star (due to the Astromoeba). The Zar Belt has the highest population of any other belt and exceeds that of every planet in the system. This is due to its relativly warm temperature and large orbit radius. It is also very asteroid-dense compared to many other asteroid belts. The existance of this asteroid belt is partly why the midworldian subspecies is the largest in number of any subspecies including Jyarans.   After making first contact with a number of other subspecies and (re)-discovering them, Harkas 'technological' progress has advanced significantly. They were able to create organisms that could project Taidakic Fields, which have had many applications in several fields. The Zar belt was often the first area that recieved these 'technologies'. This, and the population, might make them seem like a regional superpower, but they were not perfectly unified for thousands of years. Internal wars between the inhabitants has resulted in the creation of a huge number of nations that all vie for power over each other. This has largely resulted from them being so powerful that they can afford it. Smaller nations outside the belts have managed to establish footholds on the belts mostly due to this. They grew a large number of bioships to wage war between other harkas nations, which also used their own (less advanced) bioships.
Asteroid belt
Location under
Included Locations


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