Matter Manipulator

Matter manipulation is turning matter into energy, storing it, and being able to use that energy to create matter. Massive amounts of energy is created from destruction of matter and massive amounts of energy is required to create (materialize) it. Matter manipulators are extremely difficult to build as Hypermatter is required for it to function. A lot of regular matter is needed too. Matter manipulators are often quite large and transported and used from capital ships. They work by teleporting atoms of the target into a chamber inside the device and then the atoms are annihilated using antimatter. So it requires energy to gain energy. For construction the same process is used in reverse; gamma frequency photons are fired and collide into each other, creating a matter particle and antiparticle. The antiparticle is sent back into the ship. The matter particle is teleported into whatever is being built. The Hyperion Federation and Hyperion Empire both field these.
Access & Availability
The Hypermatter makes it expensive to field, so civilians probably wont have their own Matter Manipulators. Unlike in an InterGalactic Warp Drive IGWD however, Hypermatter is not consumed in its function. Large ships often field them, though.


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