
Planet in the Utuy System, the home system of the Tyu race.   Tuyt is a tidally locked planet, and located in a lower orbit than the homeworld Taya. This means that it has one very hot side as it constantly faces the star and one cold side as it faces away in an 'eternal night'. This has obvious applications in the field of solar power generation. As such, they constructed a large structure on the world that can direct a large amount of radiation into a singular spot near another world. This is primarily used for power transmission, which allows the planet to send almost all its unused energy to other worlds. This is even more advantageous as so much energy is generated on this world. In the distant future, if they decide to construct a @dysonhere, this world might become the great power transmission planet, transmitting energy in the form of compacted photons across the system.   Tuyt is also decently rich in metallic ore, so the Sulethis Republic also mine here. However, ore must be sent to space, so this is typically done using the dark side where massive launch facilities dont block a large number of solar panels.
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