
Planet located in the Utuy System, the homeworld of the Tyu race.   Uyt is the 2nd planet from the star. It is a hot gas giant and also the largest planet in the system. With a total of 42 planet-sized satellites, and lying within the habitable radius of the star, it is actually surprisingly almost habitable to tyu. However, they are not used to having a lower atmosphere density and also cant see light, so they have to wear protective clothing to survive outdoors on these worlds. Still, these worlds have proven to be a boon for both the Sulethis Republic and the tyu as a species; they could each hold billions of individuals especially when terraformed into the correct tyu environment later after unification with the SR.   Although the moons are the most valuable part of the world, the gas giant itself is also highly useful as a source of hydrogen fuel. As SR starships use a highly pressurised form of hydrogen for fusion fuel, these stations can skip entire industrial processes by extracting deeper layers of hydrogen gas and just allowing that to be used as fuel. This provides enough fuel to the planets and the rest of the Utuy system.
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