
The homeworld of the Tyu race. Located in the Utuy System.   Taya is actually outside of the habitable radius of the star. However, the thick atmosphere retains a lot of heat so the planet is still habitable to alien life. Plant life on taya tends to be more yellow in colour rather than green. This could be because the star is a class A star and emits mostly blue wavelengths, so plants would primarily absorb blue light under photosynthsis. Taya also features a stronger magnetosphere which allows it to keep a thick atmosphere.   The planet is naturally very dark due to its extreme atmosphere though, so the yellow plants are typically not visible. Other races can bring light emitting devices to the world and it would have very little effect on the native species' perception. Taya also has 2 moons. Similar to Tebburus, one moon is located in a relatively short orbit radius and the other is much further away. These moons are named 'Tyaya' and 'Tayta' respectively. These moons can have various impacts on the worlds climates, even though they arent seen visually. Initially, the tyu had no way of knowing the positions of these moons.    They slowly progressed in technology and have built vehicles capable of flight. They noticed one strange anomaly: that the vehicles would experience lower air pressure at higher heights. Puzzled, they wondered if there was an altitude at which the air pressure was reduced to 0. They wanted to explore this, but the current vehicles depended on air to fly, so they would need some entirely new designs. They would eventually build vehicles capable of travelling to space, and were largely surprised to see that eventually the atmosphere was reduced to 0 eventually. Not only that, but they also quickly found out that the force of gravity was reduced to 0 as well. They lost control of the rocket due to this, and being woefully unprepared, but were noted to now be orbiting the planet. Eventually, they managed to regain control, and attempted to land, but the rocket span out of control as it re-entered the atmosphere because of its orbit and exploded.   Next time, though, they would build a rocket to account for and to study this. They noted the orbital velocity increased as they approached the planet, allowing them to finally develop a theory of gravity. As they began to use light to detect objects in space, they were finally able to find the 2 moons and would now be capable of tracking them. They would also detect some strange white dots in the sky, which most species would call stars.
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