Great Utuy Station

A large station constructed by the Sulethis Republic in the Utuy System after an agreement with the Tyurace.   After the tyu race agreed to join the SR, the latter constructed this station to help with communication and diplomacy. The station is more than capable of holding a number of civilians too, though, of mostly tyu life. There are a number of To'rer'ot that live on the station though.   The Great Utuy Station was constructed at an orbital radius to keep it at a temperature similar to that of Taya to support tyu life more easily. However, the habitation module of the station is actually a large O' Neil Cylinder. This provides enough area for several million tyu lives and for several hundred thousand to'rer'ot.   Power is generated through the use of large fusion reactors, one of the first technologies the SR has optimised for the tyu, as the fusion reactor was introduced only shortly before they achieved space travel.
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