Utuy System

Star system located in the Retinus Galaxy.   The Utuy star is a very bright spectral class A star. Despite this heat, one of the planets has evolved intelligent life. This makes the Utuy system the Tyu home system, with Taya as their home planet. After the tyu made first contact with the Sulethis Republic, they have willingly integrated into sulethis society with the promises of mutual defence, protection and trade. This way, tyu technology advanced rapidly but the To'rer'ot have been careful not to advance it too rapidly. This has made the system quite important to both species so now there is a large station that orbits the star that is used for diplomacy. This station also has a large civilian population as well and is close to the orbital radius of Taya, which helps to sustain Tyu life. The system itself also notably has 2 large asteroid belts which are both used for defence and mining, and several gas giants as well as normal planets are present also. This star system is also well defended, like any home system. They have made contact with the Tranal Nomads multiple times, which often brings interesting cultural exchanges and trade materials.
Star System
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