Urgand III a

A planet in the Urgand System, the home system of the Anagon species.   Urgand III a is one of three planets which occupy the exact same orbit around the 2 Urgand stars. These 3 worlds are positioned equidistantly from each other, so their positions resemble a triangle. Furthermore, the orbit is perfectly circular rather than elliptical. Normally, such orbits are impossible in nature, leading to most factions to believe the urgand system was engineered. Therefore, these worlds are also collectively known as the "Threeworlds" or "Triangle Worlds".   Urgand III a is, however, quite useless to the Anagon Technocracy itself as they can only settle on neutron stars. They cannot use any material that isnt neutron QCD matter or anything else found on a neutron star. Therefore, they have allowed their allies to use it as long as they dont do anything that could mess up its orbit and ruin scientific opportunity. This phenomenon is not observable at any other point in the Arcturus galaxy. Of course, they use it for scientific research despite it being decently rich in rare, valuable metal like gold or iridium. Even Hyperion Federation scientists struggle to find out how it formed.   This planet specifically differs from the other 2 triangle worlds with its highly dense atmosphere mostly comprised of CO2. This causes sunlight to be captured easily which makes the planet much hotter than the other triangle worlds despite all being at the same radius.
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