Urgand IV a

Planet in the Urgand System, the home system of the Anagon race.   Urgand IV a, like most other worlds in the system, has a strange orbit. It is a key part of a trinary system between itself, Urgand IV b and Urgand IV c. These 3 planets all orbit the Urgand binary stars. Urgand IV a has a single moon, but the entire trinary system itself has 2 moons orbiting all 3 worlds. Urgand IV a and IV b are both habitable, but the anagon race itself has been unable to make use of it as they can only survive on neutron stars (or similar conditions).   Instead, they allow their allies to exploit these worlds. The Hyperion Federation has been allowed to own the southern hemisphere and the Republic of Miasi the northern hemisphere. The conditions have beeen found to be surprisingly suportive of human life. Both halves have decently high populations, but not to any extreme extent. They have populations into the 100's of millions. However as to not disturb the scientific value of these worlds, no faction has set up any large infrastructure that could shift the orbits significantly. Additionally the HF has a number of science stations orbiting many worlds and moons nearby. The last world, Urgand IV c, is a mostly toxic world with a thick atmosphere of primarily CO2. This makes it very hot despite lying in within the habitable zone of the class A star.
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Owning Organization


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