Urgand I a

First Planet in the Urgand System, the home system of the Anagon Technocracy.   Like most worlds in the system, Urgand I a has weird orbits. It is actually a part of a binary system, orbiting Urgand I b. Furthermore, it has 2 moons, both of which are also in their own binary system orbiting the planet. Urgand I b has a trinary moon system. Heated up immensely by the bright class A star, the world surface is extremely hot and mostly lava. This does make it rich in valuable metal ores, particularly iron, but the Anatomy technocracy ignores it, using neutron QCD matter as their primary construction material.Instead, they allow their allies exploit it. Specifically, the Hyperion Federation and Republic of Miasi have both set up mines on the world. Tidal shifts are known to be large and sometimes difficult to predict, as all simulations involve about 6 different bodies that impact tides (the planet itself, Urgand I b, the 2 moons and the 2 stars). The hf can process this, as the n-body problem was solved but requires powerful quantum computers to simulate. The hf is the sole power able to do this.
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