Urgand II a

Gas giant planet in the Urgand System, the home system of the Anagon race.   Urgand II a, like most planets in the system, occupies strange orbits. It orbits Urgand II b in a binary system, which itself orbits the 2 stars of the system. Stranger still, these 2 gas giants have moons which orbit both gas giants. It is theorized that this system was engineered, but as no archaeotech is found (other than the artifact that dilates anagon time) this hypothesis is mostly unproven. Urgand II a, like all other planet in the system, is mostly useless to the Anagon Technocracy as they purely use neutron QCD matter for their starships and structures as that is what they found on their homeworld. Therefore, like all other planets in the system, they allowed their allies to exploit resources instead, as long as it doesnt interfere with the orbits which present a scientific oppurtunity to all parties. Of course, the HF studies the binary system as well. Urgand II a is the slightly larger of the 2 planets. It therefore has a denser core and more metallic hydrogen to harvest. The HF was only allowed to operate a single gas giant mining platform on Urgand II a though, and the Republic of Miasi set one up on Urgand II b.
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