Xralax A I

Planet in the Xralax System orbiting Xralax A, the neutron star. Owned by the Xalarin Council.   Xalarax A I is the closest planet to the neutron star. As such, it is often bombarded by gamma rays and has a powerful magnetosphere. It is very uninhabitable as it is otherwise a cold world (as neutron stars emit little light). The core of Xalarax A I is almost entirely inactive and consists mostly of iron. The core is the most valuable part of the world, so the XC sometimes mines the core. This has proven to be a difficult undertaking though due to the very hostile conditions arising from the neutron star, like the gamma rays and powerful gravitation. The planet has an orbital period of just 1.4 hours which makes logistics to the world difficult.   However, this planet also serves a secondary use. It is a secret, well hidden military blacksite for the XC military. It is difficult to reach, covered by intense magnetism, very dark and almost entirely featureless. It is here that the XC tests many weapons that are too dangerous to test on more valuable worlds and needs to be kept secret. More obviously to outside observers, it has a number of defence platforms orbiting it, but is not extremely well defended. It primarily has weapons that have very long range, like missiles that can hit a ship orbiting another planet. This way, it can provide support to anywhere in the system. In the event of invasion though, the XC can remotely self destruct the military blacksites.
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Owning Organization


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